Thursday, May 21, 2009

Schnucks trip 5/21/09 saved 75%

I went for toilet paper, which was on sale for $2 a double roll 4-pk. I bought what you see. Total before coupons $14.21. Total after coupons $3.56.

Mayo was free. (1-1 coupon)
Bugles were free. (2.90 - free coupon)
Chex Mix was $0.29 (1.29 - 1 coupon)
Sour Cream was $0.24 (.99 - .75 cat)
Milk was $0.25 ( 2.75 - 2.50 cat)
Toilet paper 1.25 (2-.75 cat)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

78% savings on my Schnucks Trip 5/17/09

I went on Friday but didn't post the deals knowing I would go back with more coupons.

Today I bought $61.48 worth of groceries (after sale prices) and paid $18.38 and got back $4.75 to use on my next trip. Grand total $13.63 for 29 items.

Kashi Pizzas (normally 6.49) were on sale for $5.00. I had $3.00 coupons so paid $2 each. They actually are pretty good too.

Kashi frozen entrees, normally $4.00+ on sale for $3, I used $2 coupon for total of $1.00 each. I had bought the pesto flavor before and didn't realize there was no meat in it. It wasn't great however it was free - free almost always tastes good enough to eat. I was sure to buy the ones with chicken this time.

Kraft BBQ sauce - on sale for $1.00. There are $1.00 coupons on line that you can print at least 2 times from different sites. When you buy 4 or more, you earn catalina back. Final price for 5 bottles was $FREE plus I got back $2.50 - in other words, they paid me!!

Kraft Mayo and Miracle Whip on sale for $1.00. Again there are multiple coupons online for $1.00. All free. We like tuna salad and I have tons of cheap and free tuna stockpiled.

Post Trail Mix Crunch on sale for $2.50. Online coupon for $2.00 off. Paid $0.50 each, but then got back $0.75 catalina to use on next purchase. Doing the math, they paid me $0.75 to take their cereal home. We like cereal!! Maybe we have to like cereal because I get so much of it free or really cheap.

Fruit Chillers were on sale for $2 - used $1 coupon. Cost $1.00
Hormel Chili on sale for $1 - used $0.55 off 2. Cost $0.73 can.
Pillsbury Cookie dough on sale for $2.49 - used $1.00 off. Cost 1.49 each.

Cashier made a mistake in my favor with an extra $2.00 off somewhere. I had 29 products and 27 coupons. I'm sure it gets confusing for them. Usually, they mess up in their favor.