BC $61.10 +
tax $0.72 -
Q's $27.97 =
$33.85 oop earned $5 OYNO from Unilever and $3 off J&J product.
= $25.85
5 Powerade Zero free with overage.
1 Wheat Thins free
2 Juicy Juice @ 1.00 each
2 Minute Maid @ 1.50 each
2 McCormick Spices @ .75 each
3 J&J Bath Buddies free (I bought thinking they would generate 3 oyno but it was a $3 coupon instead.)
2 Kens Salad dressing @ .50 each
3 WB Spritzers @ .67 each (I made a mistake and bought WB instead of Kens. They must have pushed coupons through. Kens Spritzers would have been a better buy at .50 each)
2 WB Bountiful dressing @ .67 each.
2 bags Salad @ 2.00 each
2 Sargento Salad Finishers @ 1.45 - This is my new favorite (at least for tonight!) I had 2 coupons for .55 off 1. They are on sale for $2. I fixed the Chicken Ceasar flavor for dinner. It comes with the chicken, cheese and croutons, I added salad and dressing. It makes 2 salads or 4 sides. I ordered some $1.00 coupons that I hope make it here before the sale is over.
2 Bertolli w/ meat @ 5.49 (couldn't find just pasta and sauce that was on sale for 4.99)
2 Lipton sides to complete the Buy $15 worth of Unilever get $5 back deal.
Not sure if the deal works more than 1x per transaction but will be buying duplicates of some of the items in the next couple of days. I've got so much salad dressing but I can't hardly pass it up as we love salads!
Nothing wrong with stocking the pantry with salad dressing. Doesn't that stuff have the shelf life of twinkies?
Probably so, or we could just drink it as a meal replacement.
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