Today I bought $61.48 worth of groceries (after sale prices) and paid $18.38 and got back $4.75 to use on my next trip. Grand total $13.63 for 29 items.
Kashi Pizzas (normally 6.49) were on sale for $5.00. I had $3.00 coupons so paid $2 each. They actually are pretty good too.
Kashi frozen entrees, normally $4.00+ on sale for $3, I used $2 coupon for total of $1.00 each. I had bought the pesto flavor before and didn't realize there was no meat in it. It wasn't great however it was free - free almost always tastes good enough to eat. I was sure to buy the ones with chicken this time.
Kraft BBQ sauce - on sale for $1.00. There are $1.00 coupons on line that you can print at least 2 times from different sites. When you buy 4 or more, you earn catalina back. Final price for 5 bottles was $FREE plus I got back $2.50 - in other words, they paid me!!
Kraft Mayo and Miracle Whip on sale for $1.00. Again there are multiple coupons online for $1.00. All free. We like tuna salad and I have tons of cheap and free tuna stockpiled.
Post Trail Mix Crunch on sale for $2.50. Online coupon for $2.00 off. Paid $0.50 each, but then got back $0.75 catalina to use on next purchase. Doing the math, they paid me $0.75 to take their cereal home. We like cereal!! Maybe we have to like cereal because I get so much of it free or really cheap.
Fruit Chillers were on sale for $2 - used $1 coupon. Cost $1.00
Hormel Chili on sale for $1 - used $0.55 off 2. Cost $0.73 can.
Pillsbury Cookie dough on sale for $2.49 - used $1.00 off. Cost 1.49 each.
Cashier made a mistake in my favor with an extra $2.00 off somewhere. I had 29 products and 27 coupons. I'm sure it gets confusing for them. Usually, they mess up in their favor.
Well Done!
Awesome! I'm gonna have to get some BBQ sauce :)
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