Ran back to Buy-Low after I printed off some more Q's. Picked up some pasta salad for two coworkers who don't live near this store. In exchange they printed of their alloted Silk
Soymilk coupons which allowed me to get 3 cartons for $.74 each! Found two more boxes of Kraft Pasta salad that had .50 peelies. Decided that the Kraft cheese was such a good deal, since this is the higher priced premium Kraft cheese. Suggested retail $3.59 on sale for $2.39. I got it for $1.39 and the expiration is 12/08. I read online that you can freeze it, but I think I'll wait closer to the expiration and see how much I have left. Had two Q's for the BC Warm Delights. I bought two of these this past weekend, in conjunction with ECB from CVS but have yet to try them. They came highly recommended (via Susan.) I wasn't quite sure if $0.99 was a good price after Q but since the IP were doubling automatically, I thought I'd try some other flavors. Regardless a scoop of ice cream, I'm sure, will go quite well with them. I'm having quite the problem with all this food that I am amassing....I keep getting it because it is at such a great price, or a great price in comparison to what I have been paying in the recent past, but I am bringing in much more than I am consuming. That is okay to a point but it is almost like I don't want to open it because I like looking at my "collection"! I rearranged my cabinets tonight and moved stuff around to make it more organized as well as to get a grasp of what I have to start menu planning... I do have faith that there will come a time where we will have to eat!
Total value $28.01 - $17.15 MQ =
$10.86 oop I saved 61%!!! 59% if I take off the BC pasta salad that isn't mine...
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