Did two transactions back to back. Picture has everything I bought.
1st transaction
3 Sally Hansen Quick Pens @ 7.99 each, get 5 ecb back - Used 2 Q's $3 off 10
2 Revlon emory boards b1g1 - Used 2 $1 off tool Q
Used 5 off 25 and 11.99 ecb
Paid 1.60 oop earned 15 ecb
2nd transaction
2 Head and Shoulders family size @5.99, earned 2 ecb. Used B1G1 coupon to get 2 for 3.99.
1 Almay mascara @ 6.99, earned 5 ecb. Used $1 off
1 Skittles no coupons goes towards b$10 get 5ecb deal.
6 Reeses - Had to keep throwing candy up on counter because I had big $15ecb that I was using to pay.
4 Kit Kat (1 got ate by daughter before pic)
Used 5 off 25 and 15 ecb
Paid $0.64 and earned 7 ecb

6 Cascadian Farms granola bars @ 2.50 - used 6 $1 off.
3 Hamburger Helper singles @ $1.00 no coupons
1 Cheerios snack mix @ 2.00 - used $1 off.
4 Diet Sierra Mist - used 2 b1g1 Q's that expired today. First 3 items (10 total) will fulfill the rebate requirements. I also used my 3 $4 coupons that I earned this weekend buying dog treats.
Total was $25.92 - $21.96 Q's + tax = 4.37 oop. Will get back $5 gift card. Net Profit $0.63!!
1 comment:
Good gracious! You have had a BUSY week. Looks like you need a nap. What's the deal with the glamour bag? I haven't heard about it.
Also, got two chex mix at CVS on Sunday, used Rain Check for $1/bag and coupons for $1 so they were free. Not quite the level that you're up to, but it's something :-)
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