Walgreens sent out a $5 off $20 purchase coupon last night. I didn't have a lot of time to pull my deals together in order to hit several Wags on my way home from work, so I had to settle for 1 deal - which turned into 2! I also went to Wal-Mart to use up some coupons and check if inventory had been replaced.
15 Kotex @ 1.00 each - 1.00 coupon = free
3 South Beach drink @ 2.00 - 2.00 IP coupon = free
6 Well Patch @ .97 - 1.00 = .03 overage
1 scrubbie thin @ .97
1 Diet Mt. Dew @ 1.38 (ridiculous price to pay, but it was HOT and I was thirsty!)
Total BC 29.17 AC + tax 3.79
I did mention to cashier that I really didn't have a bleeding disorder, was stocking up for pretween DD. I think I might use some to make these fancy duds: Maxi Pad Slippers
Wags trip:
1st deal was the Gazelle Vacuum. I had read about this on the Walgreens website and it had decent reviews. I have a Dyson canister that I love, but at times, it is a pain to put together and impossible to convince DD to use frequently. I also have a Swiffer vac that I loved when I first got it, but the battery has died considerably and I don't use it at all. Walgreens has a $20 rebate on this item and although I wasn't really considering it for $80.00, I came across it in the clearance rack, listed for 49.99. I thought after rebate, $30 sounded pretty good. However, when I went to buy it, using the 5 off 20 coupon, the friendly cashier said it was ringing up 19.99 and coupon wouldn't work- how horrible!!... I tossed the .50 kitten calendar up on counter and all was well. I spent 16.57 but will get back 20 + 2 on rebate. Profit 5.43.
All the other stuff I bought in 2nd transaction.
10 Pringles @ 0.61 (I bought some fat free and light versions - not totally bad) after coupons and RR. One actually rung up wrong and I didn't get the RR but called store and will get refund of 2.39 and 3 RR.
2 Tuf garbage bags B1G1 @ 4.99. Will get 5 + .50 rebate
2 Bioinfusion hair stuff @ 5.99 each, will get 11.98 + 1.20 rebate
4 Hershey Bliss @ .75 each, but will get 5 + .50 rebate (are you seeing a pattern?)
2 Dog bones @ 2.00 My dogs have been bored and I swear I haven't seen them in 3 days!
1 Olay Regenerist Thermal face kit on clearance. Full price it was 27.99. Clearance price is 6.99. I used $3 coupon. You can do the math. Cheap face lift.
Total of two transactions:
BC $72.74 (after $81 clearance markdown)
- $25.90 coupons,
+ 3.53 tax
- 3.29 refund
- 2.70 (I didn't get the 3 RR, so she gave me .30 for the 9 correct Pringles)
- 41.98 Walgreens ES rebate
- 4.20 10% bonus ES rebate
= -$1.80 ... Profit. Period. End of calculation.
15 Kotex @ 1.00 each - 1.00 coupon = free
3 South Beach drink @ 2.00 - 2.00 IP coupon = free
6 Well Patch @ .97 - 1.00 = .03 overage
1 scrubbie thin @ .97
1 Diet Mt. Dew @ 1.38 (ridiculous price to pay, but it was HOT and I was thirsty!)
Total BC 29.17 AC + tax 3.79
I did mention to cashier that I really didn't have a bleeding disorder, was stocking up for pretween DD. I think I might use some to make these fancy duds: Maxi Pad Slippers

1st deal was the Gazelle Vacuum. I had read about this on the Walgreens website and it had decent reviews. I have a Dyson canister that I love, but at times, it is a pain to put together and impossible to convince DD to use frequently. I also have a Swiffer vac that I loved when I first got it, but the battery has died considerably and I don't use it at all. Walgreens has a $20 rebate on this item and although I wasn't really considering it for $80.00, I came across it in the clearance rack, listed for 49.99. I thought after rebate, $30 sounded pretty good. However, when I went to buy it, using the 5 off 20 coupon, the friendly cashier said it was ringing up 19.99 and coupon wouldn't work- how horrible!!... I tossed the .50 kitten calendar up on counter and all was well. I spent 16.57 but will get back 20 + 2 on rebate. Profit 5.43.
All the other stuff I bought in 2nd transaction.
10 Pringles @ 0.61 (I bought some fat free and light versions - not totally bad) after coupons and RR. One actually rung up wrong and I didn't get the RR but called store and will get refund of 2.39 and 3 RR.
2 Tuf garbage bags B1G1 @ 4.99. Will get 5 + .50 rebate
2 Bioinfusion hair stuff @ 5.99 each, will get 11.98 + 1.20 rebate
4 Hershey Bliss @ .75 each, but will get 5 + .50 rebate (are you seeing a pattern?)
2 Dog bones @ 2.00 My dogs have been bored and I swear I haven't seen them in 3 days!
1 Olay Regenerist Thermal face kit on clearance. Full price it was 27.99. Clearance price is 6.99. I used $3 coupon. You can do the math. Cheap face lift.
Total of two transactions:
BC $72.74 (after $81 clearance markdown)
- $25.90 coupons,
+ 3.53 tax
- 3.29 refund
- 2.70 (I didn't get the 3 RR, so she gave me .30 for the 9 correct Pringles)
- 41.98 Walgreens ES rebate
- 4.20 10% bonus ES rebate
= -$1.80 ... Profit. Period. End of calculation.