I was really tied up at work today... not literally tied up of course, but so busy that the morning got away from me. I called the unfriendly store about 3 p.m. and the phone was answered by none other than "Michelle". I asked politely to speak to a manager and she proceeded to ask what SHE could do to help me. I then asked for Karen as I had seen Karen's smiling face as I strutted out of the store yesterday. Michelle promptly said that she (Karen) had just left for the day and was there anything that she could help me with.
I had talked to CVS employee Adam yesterday, who is apparently above Michelle in rank (he was called to the phone when I asked to speak to the store manager) I explained the problem that occurred with Michelle and asked for clarification. He was very polite but ADMITTED that he wasn't brushed up on the coupon rules and to speak with Karen, the top dog store manager today. Honesty goes a long way! I'd had rather been told that the cashier wasn't sure, Michelle wasn't sure, no one knew diddly squat about how to use a little piece of paper that wasn't money to pay for something, but that they would find out the answer and take my number, follow up, etc... Make me a happy shopper who wants to return to their little store. Obviously that didn't happen. I felt like I was a smooth criminal.
I suspect that Adam passed the fact that I called in regards to the problem with Michelle. I know I would have given a heads up if someone was upset with one of my co-workers... Anyway, either Michelle has an air of superiority about her when she speaks on the phone, or she was keyed into the fact that I would be calling back. I won't say she was entirely impolite, but not overtly friendly either. I'm sure she is a nice girl but boy she ticked me off yesterday and was sour sounding today. I promptly hung up and called 1-800-Shop-CVS. Glad I did! I spoke with a really nice lady who confirmed that both items should be mine for the taking if I had a B1G1 coupon, that indeed I could use a coupon on a sale item and that it clearly sounded like the employees needed to be trained. She would pass along the info to the District Manager and would I like a follow up call from the man himself??! Of course I said! I reiterated my disappointment and EMBARRASSMENT of being treated as an imbecile who was trying to pull something over on CVS. Even the rep on the phone said that the employees don't see it as "fair" when someone walks out without paying for something but that the Manufacturer of the product pays retail price + handling. I can't wait to speak with DM and let him know that there are in fact several wonderful CVS stores in his area and expected the same from this one.
Now, should I strut my happy behind back into that store and purchase my Lifesavers from Michelle her Highness or go on my merry way??? To be decided....
10 hours ago
Buy them from Michelle!!!
GO BACK! Buy them from Michelle, BUT be sure to take your cell phone, so you can call corporate right there on the spot if she gives you anymore hassle. Let us know what you decide to do, and if you go back, what happened.
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