My ECB supply has dwindled so I decided I would go ahead and do the Lifesaver deal that is all the talk this week, even though I already have countless bags of them. If nothing else, they will be good to send for class parties at DD school! I have exactly 23 B1G1 coupons and thought I would drive to 4 stores and get no more than 10 per store and leave some for others. I then could access two additional stores this week on my way home from work. At the first store I had no problems. I got 10 bags with many more left, 2 razors using $4.00 coupon and 1 paper. OOP 2.26 Earned 5 ecb.
On to second store, repeated leaving out newspaper. Our paper here gets very few coupons. I get a copy just in case there is something I need and to judge if I want to buy additional copies, otherwise I just get inserts elsewhere! No problems to be had, other than the pesky issue with this coupon not wanting to scan. I even threw in some Orange Mint variety hoping it would tag to those and not beep. OOP 1.13 Earned 5 ecb.
Third store - tried same transaction. Presented coupons and the cashier told me that I could only use one, since it says, "Limit one coupon per purchase." She didn't agree with me that 1 purchase is 2 bags. I said fine, I'll make 5 purchases. She gave me a dirty look and called for manager. Manager asked if I was using any CVS coupons because I would not be able to use them with the lifesavers and razors...??!? I said no.... she then started reading the coupon and said that I couldn't use it because it states, "No other coupon or offer may be used in conjunction with this coupon, yada yada yada...." And since they were "on sale" at CVS I couldn't use the coupon. I then asked her if she was implying I can't use a coupon on sale items, to which she said yes. I said, I have used this coupon this morning at another location and they didn't have a problem with it. She said the other store was not reading the coupons then. I left my stuff on the counter and said I was so glad that they were so proficient at reading and I would be calling corporate. It isn't so much about getting the free stuff but for her and the cashier to act like I was trying to scam them and then the audacity of her stating that CVS will not take a coupon on a sale item is ridiculous. I left cursing myself that my battery in phone was not charged and mad that she got to me!! I went to the last CVS and while doing the same purchase minus razors because they were already out, asked the cashier about coupons on sale items. I know the answer, was just curious. Dang Lifesaver worked 1st time then on 2nd it said that it was over the amount.... She called over someone else and then they got to looking and said I couldn't use them because I have to "buy" one bag. I said I was buying them with the coupon... no go. I would have left with nothing, but needed milk. I'm calling the 3rd and 4th manager tomorrow. We'll see what happens!
$64.75 BC $7.58 AC Used 1 ecb, $6.58 oop. Got back 10 ecb. Profit of $2.42!!
Girl, you are going to have to build a pole barn if you keep shopping this way. I'm going to check out the cherry picker blog and see what I can find. I don't think I have near the storage space that you do though :-)
Ohhhhhh, I'll be back to see what corporate tells you. You should also report them to the manufacturer!! Write them a letter.
Anxiously waiting to hear.
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