Saturday, July 26, 2008

7/26 Walgreens Double Dip Day

I was convinced I did not need to, or for that matter want to do any shopping today. I changed my mind.

Action scrubber 5.49 - $2.75 IP coupon - 1.50 ES rebate (+0.15 bonus) - 5.49 TMF rebate = -$4.40 - aka profit!

2 foils -used up my last 2 Q's. Wags price was $0.89 - .75 = 0.14 each

2 Loreal Hair dye = 9.99 each (19.98) - 10 MQ - 9 ES Q (5 off 2 for July and 2 off 1 (x2) for Aug) = $0.98 for both.
2 Dove chocolate 2 for $6 - 3 MQ - 1 ES = $2 for both but the cat machine spit out a $1 RR courtesy of Dove. So $0.50 each afte the cat. I also got a cat for $5 off Clairol Natural Instincts Haircolor.

Final tally: BC $34.85 AC+tax $8.33(oop) - 1 RR - 1.65 ESR - 5.49 Rebate = $0.19

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